Coconut Grove Elementary’s PTA works hard to plan, promote and execute multiple fundraisers throughout the year. We work alongside the school’s administration, to align our goals and to maximize benefits for ALL students and families at CGE. Not only do our fundraising events support many of the ancillary programs and educational needs at school, they are also meant to provide FUN and JOY for our children. Elementary school is where good memories should be made! This PTA forges relationships with local businesses and encourages our families in the community to engage with one another regularly in support of our school.


As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, Coconut Grove Elementary’s PTA is authorized to accept tax deductible charitable contributions. It is our mission to fill funding gaps in projects and programs that enhance the learning and social environment of our school's diverse student body. From an upgraded playground, to renewed on-campus activities, teacher resources, child sponsorships and academic enrichment, our support directly impacts the education and school experience for all of our students.

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GIVE MIAMI DAY is by far, one of the biggest annual giving events we have at CGE. Each November, our community comes together for our children and our school. Funds raised have supported our major building projects, such as CGE’s newly renovated media center and play area!

Color Run is a fundraiser is close to our hearts. While it does benefit our school, more importantly, it supports after school programs for children in the foster care system through the Challenge2Change Foundation. We love to give back, and teach our children those same values. Each spring, ALL students participate in an EPIC field day rotating through sports stations of soccer, basketball, obstacle courses, bounce houses and more. The day is capped off with a color run. You’ve never seen more smiles! 

Scholastic Book Fair really gets our kids excited about reading! We have two book fairs -one  in the fall and one in the spring. Shopping times are assigned to each classroom, as well as parent times. Its a great time to refresh your child’s  bookshelf and great for gifts. Teachers also submit wish lists to replenish their classroom reading corners. Proceeds are used to purchase replenish and replace books in our media center.

Event Parking is also one of our easiest, most successful fundraising activities! During key Coconut Grove Village events and festivals (Halloween, King Mango Strut, Arts Festival) we sell parking spots in our school field. Parent volunteers are the key to the success of this event.

Golden Tickets. Golden Ticket days are the last Friday of every month, and allow children a free pass to skip the uniform and wear anything they want - Dress to Impress! Golden tickets are worth $1 each and can be purchased in a booklet of ten. These can be purchased in the PTA Online Store.

Box Tops/Labels for Education are collected throughout the year. Each box top is worth 10 cents for our school and labels are worth 10 points towards merchandise. Clip box tops/labels off your favorite products, tape them to the fun collection sheets or save them in a baggie labeled with your teacher’s name, have your child bring the sheet or baggie in to their classroom at the end of the month.

PTA Store. Here you can purchase PTA Memberships, Stingray spirit shirts, custom embroidered uniform patches, Golden Ticket booklets, car magnets for faculty and families, tickets to our various events offered throughout the year.